

Who is this guy?

Name: Mike or Michael
Birthday: November 13
Age: 30
Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: Slidell, Louisiana
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Blonde
Facial: Beard
Siblings: A twin brother (Chris, on the left in the bottom pictures), a younger brother, a younger sister, and three stepbrothers
Color: Navy Blue, with Forest Green running a close second
Food: Gumbo, hot Krispy Kreme donuts
Drink: Diet Sunkist Orange
Candy: M&Ms
Hobbies: rollerblading, photography, boredom (I need more hobbies)
Residence: Dallas, TX
Occupation: Database Programmer at The Cooper Institute
High School: Slidell High class of 1997
College: The Louisiana Scholars' College at Northwestern State University class of 2002
Majors: Computer Information Systems, Business Administration
Minors: Spanish, Liberal Arts, Math
Graduate School: University of Texas at Dallas
Major: Computer Science
Vacation: Spain, New York City
Car-Past: a rust-colored 1976 Toyota Corolla
Car-Previous: 1995 greyish/purple Dodge Neon
Car-Current: 2002 Silver Honda Accord, Special Edition
Pet: two cats, Scout and JD
TV Show: Lately it's been reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and The Biggest Loser. And catching Degrassi is alwasy cool (figures, it's Canadian)
Book: Run With the Horsemen by Ferrol Sams

Other info:

Originally from Slidell Louisiana, I now reside in Dallas, Texas, by way of Natchitoches Louisiana where I attended college for 5 years. Currently, I am a database programmer for The Cooper Institute.  Previously I worked as a Systems Analyst for JCPenney in Plano, TX for 5 years, and as an IT Consultant for Pariveda Solutions for 2 years.

September 2009

October 2008

March 2006

August 2004

Feb 2002

Summer 2002

August, 2001

August, 2000

November, 1996

 Undated from early 1980s

© 2010 by Mike Callac. All rights reserved.