To: City Planning Commissioners, City Council Members and Mayor of New Orleans

We the undersigned, DISAGREE with the proposal to change the current footprint of the Stuart Hall School for Boys. The houses at 8121/8123 and 8125/8127 SPRUCE should not be demolished and replaced with a new building to house primary students. The houses at 8120, 8134 and 8142 PANOLA should not be demolished and replaced with a gymnasium. We feel that the traffic situation during the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up is UNSAFE today and do not see an improvement with the proposed changes. We feel that these houses add value to our neighborhood. This neighborhood is residential and we want it to REMAIN that way.

The Undersigned

To sign petition, contact:

Florine Blouin
8133 Spruce St.
New Orleans, LA, 70118